Nadia Jessel
INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research), France
Nadia Benkirane Jessel is a Research Director and Head of the Osteoarticular and Dental regenerative Nanomedicine Laboratory at INSERM (French National Institute for Health and Medical Research), France. She was the Leader of Active Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering team INSERM 977. She has received her PhD from University Louis Pasteur, France. She has then worked as Postdoctoral fellow in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur, France and another Postdoctoral position at Plum Island Animal Disease Centre, ARS-USDA, USA. She has 138 publications (h index: 36) in peer-reviewed high impact factor journals (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA; Adv. Mater.; Adv. Funct. Mater.; Small; Nanoletters, Biomaterials and ACS Nano), 5 chapter reviews and 5 international patents. She is a regular Referee for a number of scientific journals (Nature nanotechnology, Nature Materials, ACS nano, Biomaterials, Nanoletters).