Sergey Suchkov
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russian Federation
Title: Predictive, preventive and personalized medicine (PPPM) as an upgraded model of national and international healthcare services to secure a future of clinical research and practice
Biography: Sergey Suchkov
Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine (PPPM) as the Healthcare Model of the near future, as well as its associated tool, i.e., Translational Medicine (TraMed), represent an innovative model of healthcare services to consolidate advanced healthcare and robust platform for relevant industrial branches of predictive diagnostics, personalized therapeutics and preventive drugs. To achieve the implementation of PPPM concept into the practice, it is necessary to create a fundamentally a new strategy based upon the subclinical recognition of biomarkers long before the disease clinically manifests itself. Th is strategy would give a real opportunity to secure preventive measures whose personalization could have a signifi cant infl uence on demographics! Meanwhile, penetration of new technologies into the market would demand the implementation of reforms not only in the area of healthcare, but in medical education as well. Th erefore, the problem of the preparation of specialists of the newest generation to secure priority in growing up medical doctors as creative artists, is becoming particularly urgent and would require signifi cant revision of training programs and curricula of the higher education as applicable to the medical schools. Modernization and integration of widely accepted medical and teaching standards require consolidation of both the natural (life) sciences and medicine that may become the conceptual basis for the medical school curricula. The main goal of this training is not simply to achieve advanced training and expansion of technological skills, but to provide development of novel multifaceted approaches to build academic schools of the newest generations and to thus outline curricula and courses to suit markets of the newest medical platforms. PPPM consists of a wide variety of tests and tools including so much complicated areas as networking, mathematic modeling, nanotools and nanotechnologies, cloudy and mobile technologies to suit the requests and standards of the new healthcare model. Coordinated measures to optimize the progress should be well-focused on solving the accumulating problems in healthcare and the concomitant economic burden that societies across the globe are facing more and more. Taking into consideration the current trends and personal experience, we have made fi rst steps towards direct involvement in the modernization of the healthcare model. Group and individual vectors as part of the basic inventory are represented by translational medicine, bioinformatics, drug design, translational tools and regulatory courses). Our model for accelerated development of continuous vocational education (CVE) in the sphere of PPPM and TraMed is based on the combinatorial approaches (competence, module-type approach, personal activity, program-design and problem-oriented) to the elucidation of innovative processes of modernization of the existing educational model. Th e application of the accelerated model for development of CVE has required a new type of the infrastructure of the Curricula. PPPM whilst secured by the upgraded educational system would off er great and real promise for the future. And the next generations will speak about the XXI century as a time, when healthcare services became predictive and preventive and its outcomes secured and guaranteed!