Josaphat Ndelo-di-Phanzu
University of Kinshasa, DR Congo
Josaphat Ndelo-di-Phanzu is a Congolese Toxicologist. After completing his graduation as Pharmacist at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Kinshasa in 1975, he moved to Belgium at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and obtained Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences followed by a Doctorate degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Branch Toxicology in 1984. He became an Associate Professor in 1986, Professor in 1998 and Ordinary Professor in 2005. Considering the administrative level, he was the Head of the Laboratory of Food and Drug Control of the University of Kinshasa, Head of the Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Kinshasa, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Rector of the University of Kinshasa and the Head of the Laboratory of Toxicology. He is the President of the Ethics Committee of Central Africa and Vice President of National ethics Committee of DR Congo in the fi eld of ethics of biomedical research.
Abstract : Surprising unknown H. pylori epidemic in Democratic Republic of Congo (Hp-EDRC)