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 Luis Antonio R. Balajadia

Luis Antonio R. Balajadia

Southern Philippines Medical Center Davao City, Philippines

Title: Primary adrenal hemangiopericytoma: The first reported case


Biography: Luis Antonio R. Balajadia


Hemangiopericytomas are rare tumors originating from pericytes in the wall of capillaries. It is a type of soft tissue sarcoma which commonly involves the lower extremities, pelvic retroperitoneum, and head and neck. The age of initial diagnosis of HPC is 40.3 years-old (range 16-86) usually presenting as a painless mass. A 32-year old female presented with a 5 year history of slowly-growing right flank mass. She denied any history of hematuria, dizziness, headaches or hypertensive episodes. Physical examination findings showed a bulging right flank and an approximately 15 x 15 cm, palpable, nontender mass on bimanual examination. CT-scan with IV contrast was requested and revealed a large suprarenal mass, right. She underwent adrenalectomy with en-bloc nephrectomy, right with uneventful post-operative course. Histopathology of the specimen was read as hemangiopericytoma. Further testing by Flourescence In-Situ Hybridization confirmed the diagnosis. Metastatic work-up was done and was negative. Hence, this is the first reported case of primary adrenal hemangiopericytoma. Surgical removal is the mainstay of treatment of hemangiopericytomas. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy have no role in the management of the disease. The lesson learned from this case is that behind every mask there is a face, and behind that, a story. What seemed to be a simple and ordinary as an adrenal mass turned out to be as special and unique as a hemangiopericytoma.